Some call me crazy...
Some call me adventurous ...
Some call me a dreamer ...
I'm not sure which characteristic is correct. Maybe I just don't think and do things impulsively. One thing I do know about myself is that I don't like things to be boring.
When I ride my bike I like to go off the paved trail, I like to ride in the dessert where it is bumpy and rough. Since I've been riding on these desert trails I have learned that sand is hard to ride through. If you are coming off a jump or going fast you have to keep peddling when you hit the sand or your bike will make a dead stop but your body will keep going and fly through the air.
Now that is adventure!
I don't know why I like adventure but I do. I like lots of adventure. I don't think I live dangerously but sometimes I think I can do almost anything I set out to accomplish. Oh there are times when I get sidetracked with old baggage but it doesn't take long until I'm back up and running, or should I say peddling.
Music is one thing that really helps me to get back on the right path. All kinds of music. I love to listen to words of the song and usually the more upbeat a song is the more it pleases my taste.
"Beyond Me" is a song I've been listening too a lot lately...
That You gave me the stars, put them out of my reach
Called me to waters a little too deep
Oh, I've never been so aware of my need
You keep on making me see
It's way beyond me
The other day I hit sand too deep just as the song was playing on my iPod. I thought wow ... I've been called to sand too deep but if I keep peddling I will get through.
I don't think we are to give up on dreams. We are to keep peddling. It might be a little hard going but once through the deep sand, that feeling of accomplishment, knowing you did it, will flood your soul...
And when in those deep places remember, you are never alone. You will have the equipment to make it to the other side. The people in your life are there to help you through those deep sands or waters. All you have to do is reach out...
When you reach out you will be actually helping someone else out of a deep place. You see, I think this life is bigger than any thing we can imagine. I think there are forces at work that we don't see, working towards our good and urging us to be kind, or adventurous.
Don't be afraid to be seek adventure or dream big dreams.
IT IS ...
Way Beyond Me & YOU ... God HAS called us all to do great things. Some things may not seem GREAT but they may be to someone else, especially if you are doing a kind thing for a random person.
We need to keep peddling and ...
looking for those acts of kindness that help others ...
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Aesop