Do you try and stay healthy but it is an everyday struggle. Here you can find helpful information to give you encouragement for daily journey. And maybe a laugh or two! Oh and one more thing; I am a believer in the promises of God and the salvation of His Son. Sometimes you may think this isn't about weight loss but change starts from the inside.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
What In the World Have I Been Doing
The Facts
Heart disease is the leading cause of death among American women. It is even more dangerous than cancer. With the latest medical information coming out it is easy to see why heart attacks in women are so easily missed. In the initial stages symptoms show up differently in women than in men. In fact, the top four symptoms are often misdiagnosed. Immediate intervention can mean life or death, so it’s a good idea for all women to be aware of the warning signs of heart attacks.
Symptoms Of Heart Attack In Women
Most heart attacks start slowly with mild pain or discomfort. Here are the symptoms of heart attack in women.
Shortness of breath. May occur with or without chest discomfort.
Nausea and light-headedness
Flu-like symptoms, including chills and cold sweats
Heart palpitations
Chest discomfort (angina): pain, tightness or pressure in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back
Discomfort in other areas, including pain or discomfort in: one or both arms (especially the left arm), the back, between the shoulder blades, neck, jaw or stomach
Heartburn or indigestion
Extreme fatigue
Before I recieved the news of this friend's death I read this in my daily devotion from Phil Ware:
Each day we are to begin with God. Each breath we take is a powerful reminder that he has granted us another day of life to serve him. Each heartbeat is God's drumbeat of love, reminding us that we are blessed with another minute to offer him our best. This blessing is so easily forgotten. We best remember when we teach it, show it, and live it with and before our children.
Know your facts and remember God is the giver of life.