It was open house tonight at my daughter's high school. She is my youngest and I have three more years of having her home. What I do with that time? It is so important and I know it will go fast ... too fast ...
Her teachers are wonderful, especially one, Mr. M. She has him for two classes and I suspect she will begin to love Latin in a way that most of us never dream of doing. He teaches Latin. He taught her brothers and he continues to be one of the most creative teachers I've ever met. I mean if you can be 15 and love Latin ... the teacher must be a genius!
I've made an assessment tonight at open house ... there are three kinds of teacher: I can say this cause I am a teacher ... well, maybe I have more right since I am a parent ... whatever ... maybe I have no right except to my opinion ... but anyway ... here goes:
Teacher #1 "Teaches because it is their job, they really have no passion for the student, parent, or subject."
Teacher #2 "Relates well to the student, has some passion for the subject, but thinks parents are idiots"
Teacher #3 "Is amazing ... relates to students and then to the parent in a way like none other ... is creative and does everything to see their students succeed. Believes in the students' ability to overcome anything life throws at them, as long as they have a support group. Does not get along with administration."
I think my daughter has a mix of the above teachers and that is good ... she will learn. And so will we...
Do you try and stay healthy but it is an everyday struggle. Here you can find helpful information to give you encouragement for daily journey. And maybe a laugh or two! Oh and one more thing; I am a believer in the promises of God and the salvation of His Son. Sometimes you may think this isn't about weight loss but change starts from the inside.
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Monday, May 09, 2011
Finally a sunny morning in south western Pa ... don't know if it will last but that is Pittsburgh! I have heard it said that if you don't like the weather here, wait fifteen minutes and it will change!
One thing that is here to stay is Become Beauty Health and Wellness! This company is the greatest and I can't believe how it has changed my skin forever but also it has changed my life! Being a 'become advisor' has given me confidence I have never had before. I believe it is because of the extensive support and training plus the product is amazing and it is like the big pink bunny ... just keeps going ... well, just keeps working. You may wonder what I mean by that, well, you know when you find the 'perfect' shampoo and you just love what it does to your hair! But then in six months it seems to stop working? Become works beyond the six months and in fact it just keeps on working. I have been using it for almost two years and still see differences in my skin everyday. In fact my husband notices at least once a month how young my skin looks.
Send me a message to receive free samples and check out this blog Nuts 4 stuff, for a free hydration serum!
Believe me you will love your skin!
One thing that is here to stay is Become Beauty Health and Wellness! This company is the greatest and I can't believe how it has changed my skin forever but also it has changed my life! Being a 'become advisor' has given me confidence I have never had before. I believe it is because of the extensive support and training plus the product is amazing and it is like the big pink bunny ... just keeps going ... well, just keeps working. You may wonder what I mean by that, well, you know when you find the 'perfect' shampoo and you just love what it does to your hair! But then in six months it seems to stop working? Become works beyond the six months and in fact it just keeps on working. I have been using it for almost two years and still see differences in my skin everyday. In fact my husband notices at least once a month how young my skin looks.
Send me a message to receive free samples and check out this blog Nuts 4 stuff, for a free hydration serum!
Believe me you will love your skin!
Continuation of Foam Roller Just Click
Sorry I never got back to finishing this here at my blog but it is at my web site!
Saturday, April 09, 2011
The Foam Roller Posture Workout

Check with you physician before preforming these exercises or any other.
Have you ever been told to stand up straight? Or if someone mentions posture, immediately you begin to lift your shoulders and suck in your gut. If you sit at a computer all day, do you find that your neck, upper back, and shoulders are tight, tired, and achy all the time? Do you feel that you are extra tired everyday even though you are getting at least 8 hours of sound sleep at night. You might have weak and/or tight posture muscles. So first what is correct posture? Looking at the human body perfect posture is ear over the shoulder, shoulder over the hip, hip over the knee, knee over ankle. Weight evenly distributed in the feet, hips are tucked under and in neutral with the knees slightly bent. Chin is level with eyes focused forward.
And it looks comfortable? Not so much.
Since Americans live mostly a sedimentary lifestyle, correct posture is not something that comes natural. We spend most of our time bent over computers or slumped down in a couch watching the tube. We drive or ride to work and fight to the closest parking space so we don’t have to walk far to the mall. Also poor self esteem and stress will weaken your posture.
Even though I exercise 6 times a week I still struggled with correct posture. Through a session of PT, I learned readiness position (correct posture) but felt it a struggle to keep my body in correct alignment. Pilates helped some but since I had lived most of my life with poor posture, maintaining readiness position throughout the day became work. I found myself feeling even more tired and just figured it was age. Then I spent a week with my sister-in-law, Sheryl in San Francisco. She introduced me to the foam roller and its exercises. When I returned home I then incorporated the foam roller into my Pilates class. I began to see results immediately, not only in my own posture but also my clients. I also noticed that I was not as tired throughout the day. I attribute the increase in energy to my strengthen posture muscles which means, I am not working as hard as before holding up my skeleton.
The following exercises if done twice a day will help to put you on the right road to stronger posture. It takes five minutes morning and night and I am almost certain you will see a change in posture if not immediately within a week.
Equipment needed: A 36inch long/6inch circumference dense foam roller and a sticky mat is recommended but not needed.
Getting on the foam roller can be a little tricky but I have helped women in their 70’s safely lie down on the roller using these simple steps.
1. Sit on your mat with the end of the roller up against your tail bone.
2. Placing your hands behind you next to roller lift your hips up onto the roller. 3. Slowly lower yourself down, lengthen wise on the roller while walking the hands down the back of your legs for support.
Once you are lying back on the roller you will need to put yourself in neutral spine. You will begin by placing you feet hip width apart and flat on the mat, with knees bent. Arms down at your side relaxed.

Neutral spine is the strongest position for the spine whether you are standing or sitting. Performing the pelvic tilt will help you find this position. Exhale and use your abs to press your lower spine into the floor in a pelvic tuck. Inhale to release. Exhale and pull your lower spine up, away from the floor creating a pelvic tilt. Inhale to release. You will want to repeat these tilts 3 to 4 times.
Ok so you are neutral spine .. now what ... well, ... HTML is driving me crazy so I will have to finish this tomorrow, please don't put yourself on a foam roller and wait till I finish my post and as always check with you physician before preforming these exercises or any other.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
My Review
I Want One In Every Color!
By Msjcats from Canonsburg, PA on 1/22/2011
5out of 5
Pros: Feels great on, Wonderful for travel, Versatile, Looks Savvy, Great For Casual Outfits, Great For DressySporty, My Favorite UggCons: Hard to put on at first
Best Uses: Everyday boot, Going through Security, Running to the store, All Year Round Boot
I love this boot it is just so neat and easy to wear. Goes with everything. I love to just slip this boot on and run out to exercise class or the store. Plus it is so nice on long trips, not cumbersome at all.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Shakin Up New Year's Resolutions
We are already half way through January and I hear the comments in the line at the Giant Eagle ... "I hate to diet!" "Yeah, I already gave up on my new year's resolutions." "I am always hungry when I use meal replacement shakes." So ... I butt in .... with words of encouragement! "Don't give up, so you break your resolution today ... start again tomorrow." OR ... I say, "Just view your resolution as a LIFE RESOLUTION! Not a new years ... then you won't feel like if you mess up in the middle of January, you have failed, cause you have your whole life for success."
And what is the number one New Year's Resolution? To lose weight ... To make it a LIFE RESOLUTION, change the wording ... and be specific but giving your self something to work towards other than a number.
Like: I resolve to live a healthy lifestyle by reading labels and cutting out HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) and walking three times a week for 20 minutes.
Now that is something you can do and if you fall off the wagon, tomorrow is a new day.
By just replacing one meal a day with a meal replacement shake will cut calories and fat! So if you start your day with that shake, you are probably adding another component to a healthy lifestyle and that would be breakfast. It is reported that 50% of Americans either skip breakfast or eat high sugar/calorie breakfasts, another study reported that 40% of the participates thought coffee was enough for breakfast. It has been proven over and over again that those that eat breakfast keep their overall body weight lower and perform at higher levels at their jobs and in school. So why not start it off with a meal replacement shake ... Become Beauty has a two wonderful vegetarian (they do contain dairy products) flavors in the Figure 1st Weight Management Program. Just last night some of my clients tried both flavors and commented that they were delicious, not chalky or gritty like some they had tried before. They are also satisfying and filling.
When I have one in the morning before my class ... I feel great and don't crave sweets after class. I know that when lunch time comes around I am ready for salad or soup!
What makes them different ...
Here are the facts ...
Become’s unique line of nutraceuticals combines precise blends of clinically proven natural ingredients with delivery systems that can be absorbed more effectively than traditional weight loss products. Figure 1st is designed to support and enhance your healthy eating and exercise program so you see and feel maximum results in minimum time.
What are Nutraceuticals?
The term “nurtraceuticals” defines a quality of ingredients with proven pharmaceutical performance. Unlike a typical supplements + vitamins, the scientific promise of a nutraceutical is prevention and repair at a cellular level. Become products only utilize premium nutraceutical ingredients in their formulations.
The Vanilla is my favorite .. because I like to mix it with juice and fruit. It is enhanced with Super CitriMax® + fibre to keep you feeling full for loner. This protein shake packed with vitamins and minerals, as well as 16 grams of protein, gets you from breakfast to lunch or snack time to dinner every day! The shake has SuperCitrimax that is a patented weight loss supplement that has a two-fold action: to curb appetite and burn fat. It is made from garcinia cambogia - a small South American fruit that looks like a pumpkin. Here is how it works ... The extract of this fruit is hydroxycitric acid (HCA). It prevents excess carbohydrates from being turned into fat. At the same time, SuperCitramax sends a message to the brain to tell you that you're full. Genius!
So try a shake today and shake that News Year's Resolution into a LIFE RESOLUTION!
And what is the number one New Year's Resolution? To lose weight ... To make it a LIFE RESOLUTION, change the wording ... and be specific but giving your self something to work towards other than a number.
Like: I resolve to live a healthy lifestyle by reading labels and cutting out HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) and walking three times a week for 20 minutes.
Now that is something you can do and if you fall off the wagon, tomorrow is a new day.
By just replacing one meal a day with a meal replacement shake will cut calories and fat! So if you start your day with that shake, you are probably adding another component to a healthy lifestyle and that would be breakfast. It is reported that 50% of Americans either skip breakfast or eat high sugar/calorie breakfasts, another study reported that 40% of the participates thought coffee was enough for breakfast. It has been proven over and over again that those that eat breakfast keep their overall body weight lower and perform at higher levels at their jobs and in school. So why not start it off with a meal replacement shake ... Become Beauty has a two wonderful vegetarian (they do contain dairy products) flavors in the Figure 1st Weight Management Program. Just last night some of my clients tried both flavors and commented that they were delicious, not chalky or gritty like some they had tried before. They are also satisfying and filling.
When I have one in the morning before my class ... I feel great and don't crave sweets after class. I know that when lunch time comes around I am ready for salad or soup!
What makes them different ...
Here are the facts ...
Become’s unique line of nutraceuticals combines precise blends of clinically proven natural ingredients with delivery systems that can be absorbed more effectively than traditional weight loss products. Figure 1st is designed to support and enhance your healthy eating and exercise program so you see and feel maximum results in minimum time.
What are Nutraceuticals?
The term “nurtraceuticals” defines a quality of ingredients with proven pharmaceutical performance. Unlike a typical supplements + vitamins, the scientific promise of a nutraceutical is prevention and repair at a cellular level. Become products only utilize premium nutraceutical ingredients in their formulations.
The Vanilla is my favorite .. because I like to mix it with juice and fruit. It is enhanced with Super CitriMax® + fibre to keep you feeling full for loner. This protein shake packed with vitamins and minerals, as well as 16 grams of protein, gets you from breakfast to lunch or snack time to dinner every day! The shake has SuperCitrimax that is a patented weight loss supplement that has a two-fold action: to curb appetite and burn fat. It is made from garcinia cambogia - a small South American fruit that looks like a pumpkin. Here is how it works ... The extract of this fruit is hydroxycitric acid (HCA). It prevents excess carbohydrates from being turned into fat. At the same time, SuperCitramax sends a message to the brain to tell you that you're full. Genius!
So try a shake today and shake that News Year's Resolution into a LIFE RESOLUTION!
Sunday, January 09, 2011
I spend too much of my time
Thinking … Thinking ….
I know I say I am fine
But really …. really
You are always on my mind
When I wake I think of you
Early … Always at 5 …
Then I feel low and so blue
But really … really
It is time to take the clue
I wanted you more then gold
You are worth it ALL …
For your love I would have sold
Everything …. Everything
Going forth would be so bold
Now I know the mask you hide
Hiding … hiding …
Some might say that you just lied
But really … really
Your heart can not testify
Love comes to you only this time
Loving … Love
You would have been always mine
To always come and go
Now my heart has not a chime
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