but I'm really not a princess.
She helped me, a 20 something grow into a strong young woman by giving me space and teaching me to clean the hair trap in the bathtub! Yeah she hated when I was a slob.

We called her the baby-napper.
When my husband, Ken and I were thinking of adopting a daughter, she said, "there's always room in her heart to love one more!"
That is who Joan was, always finding room for one more.
She loved and doted on Theresa as much as the boys. Just this past fall she got to hold her first great-grandchild, Adelia and I saw that twinkle in her eyes once more ...
The baby-napper had returned.
My dad said she picked up strays, as he often referred to himself. Family and inclusiveness was important to her, no one was ever left out, even if she didn't agree with your politics, you knew you were always included with Joan.
One thing she always wanted to know was how my brothers were doing. She wanted me to have a close relationship with them because she knew that family was all you had, besides God in your life and that was important. As the years went on and my relationships got somewhat better with my brothers it made her happy because she wanted to me to always have family.
Her legacy is one of love, compassion and bringing people together.
May 2, 1930 ~ February 13, 2016