Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Tiny Powerhouse in Your Body

Your adrenal glands are a powerhouse of energy.  They are about the size of walnuts.  They are best known for the their ability to aid in the fear or flight response while experiencing stressful situations.  There have been reports of real cases of unbelievable strength in people, demonstrated by lifting very heavy objects off loved ones.  I remember watching an episode of "I Love Lucy;" Lucy lifts a washing machine off someone in a department store and she is proclaimed a hero. She retains her strength throughout most of the episode, but loses it when another person is stuck. Lucy flexes and then attempting to use her super strength tries to lift the heavy object but she fails. Of course we are entertained by her attempts and the many faces she makes.  Lucy received the ability to lift heavy objects during an emergency situation and then lost it when another emergency arose. I'm sure that this isn't a documented event, but I do know we are given unbelievable strength or speed when the need arises.

The adrenals aid in the fear or flight but they do so much more.

It is also your adrenal glands' job to keep your body's reactions to stress in balance so that they are appropriate and not harmful. For example, the protective activity of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant adrenal hormones like cortisol helps to minimize reactions like swelling and inflammation in situations ranging from allergies to autoimmune disorders. Also these hormones closely modulate many metabolic processes:

the utilization of carbohydrates and fats
the conversion of fats and proteins into energy
the distribution of stored fat  – especially around your waist (the spare tire) and at the sides of your face
normal blood sugar regulation
proper cardiovascular function
gastrointestinal function

The adrenals kick in to replace the hormones that give women a sex drive after menopause. Your adrenal glands are small but so important.  
What happens when you over use your adrenal glands?  How do you over use your adrenal glands?  Athletes have been known to have trouble when they over train.  Usually the body exhibits this by restless legs and insomnia.  The most common condition, that actually encompasses the above conditions is called Adrenal Fatigue.  This condition can affect other glands in the body, the thyroid being the main one.
Adrenal fatigue is a dangerous syndrome that is diagnosed when your glands work below normal levels. Usually this happens when you are in a situation of prolonged stress or illness.  Adrenal fatigue can wreak havoc with your life.
Here is a web site where I found an adrenal fatigue test along with loads of information. Run by Future Formulations.  Some of the above information is from that site.  The site has many helpful tools and plans for adrenal support.  Dr. Wilson provides programs for de-stressing.  Stress will cause your adrenal glands to overwork, which leads to adrenal fatigue.  Adrenal Fatigue
Lastly I am no expert when it comes to Adrenals but I am experiencing moderate adrenal fatigue myself.   Our church service really is a help to me when my adrenals are going full force.  Below is an event that got me started looking into the Adrenal glands as I was thinking about getting into worship but feeling like I didn't have the energy.   

So ...I starting thinking, what gets you excited at a sporting event?  Well, it is your adrenals, they give you the energy to cheer and root for your team, but also yell at the refs!  But I also have noticed that in church when the Worship Leader starts with a upbeat song, I get into worship quicker.  Last night our Worship Leader started with a medium beat song, but because my adrenals were already flowing from the day's activity, I got right into the song.  On some Sunday mornings, I find it hard to jump into the song or worship because I am not awake. I need a warm up to get going, so take note Worship Leaders; want to create energy in the service?  Start Upbeat!  Besides it matches the natural rhythm of the body.  Think about it .. we need to warm up to exercise, you just don't jump right into a heavy workout or stretching.  One last thing .. it gets me into worship on time when I hear the music and it is upbeat.

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