I thought about that song this past week, after Robin Williams died, everyone was saying, if you ever find yourself feeling low call someone. The problem with that is that if you get that low you don't want to call someone because you might be bothering them.
Even if they are your friend.
Believe they will be very glad you called them.
I also thought of that song when I discovered an old friend had de-friended me on FB. I think they thought I didn't have enough time for them. Unfortunately that was true, I didn't have enough time. I'm not going to make excuses and say I should have, could have, ... etc. It just happened and I'm sorry that person felt that de-friending me was somehow justified by my inability to hang out on FB.
Once again, I thought of that song this week when I texted my best friend as I was getting ready to drive past her house. We live about an hour apart and I was in her neighborhood. I needed personal facilities in friendly territory. She was not home but told me her daughter was and invited me to stop anyway. We have been friends our whole lives. That is a total of 56+ years. We don't get together much and don't text or talk enough. We keep up on each other on FB by liking and checking out each others photos and posts. I love her with my whole heart and know that no matter what, we willl always be friends ... in fact I would call her if I was in that place of deep despair and she would call me. That's Friendship.
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