How much should I lift? That is a question that is asked by new students that attend my class. I usually don't go over 6 pounds. Wow that is all you lift! Yes,in a body shaping class, we don't rest in between sets.
Lifting too much weight can injure muscles and create incorrect alignment of the spine. Another thing is when students lift weights that are too heavy for them they use momentum to carry them throughout the exercise.
Weight overload is a problem but not enough weight is also an issue. You must challenge the muscles so that they tear and then rebuild. That is the process that makes them stronger.
A good clue to know if you weight load is too light is to see if you find that you can get through your reps faster than ever before, or do your muscles become tired. If they don't or you find that you are racing through your reps then you might want to increase the load.
I am constantly changing my weight load from six to five to four and even sometimes three pounds. My muscles become confused and so that eliminates muscle memory. I can keep my load low and avoid injury but still challenge my body to work hard.
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