Monday, July 09, 2007

Beautiful Boring Day

The sun is shining and I am just getting ready to go for my walk on the beach. I walk so much more here than at home. I think I really love the openness of the beach and not the tree coverage of the trail. Also I have no real fear of getting run over by a bike. Although there are plenty of bikes on the beach but there is so much room at low tide. I do miss taking my dog for walks and I think that Shelby would love the beach.

We are having a good time here ... we are bored but it is a good thing. Our son is having a good time too although he is coming in a little early ... I never thought I would say that! His girifriend has a curfew and so he is happy to spend time with mom and dad. And what makes this worse is we have no high speed internet. So he has really nothing to do! Well, I will just have to tell my husband that we need another trip and it will be just the two of us.

1 comment:

Tracie Butka said...

Welcome back, so glad to hear from you. Happy 25th! I am glad you are enjoying the beach. I 'll stop back to see if you get some time alone. I have missed you.