Sunday, August 12, 2012

So What's Wrong With SOY?

Recently I went to my son and daughter-in-law's for a visit.  My son is into raw nutrition.  He also has been teaching a summer course on nutrition at a community college. So while being there he shared some of his course information with his dad and I.  One of the main things he suggested was to for me to take all soy out of my diet.  I exercise and thought I ate right but had a huge stomach.  Most of time I held it in but lately I couldn't even do that anymore.  My son said that if I take the soy out my stomach would reduce.  I thought I ate only a small amount of soy and didn't think that the soy I ate was a problem, but when I started reading the labels I was shocked how much soy I was really eating. 

First off my protein bars first ingredient was soy and then again twice down the list.  I'm gluten free, so I started reading all my labels.  Soy was in almost everything I was eating.   Over the next few days I am going to share with you the wisdom of my son's nutrition and what I have found out while researching soy.

The media tells us that soy is a health food so we feel good about eating it.  But God created soy to be used as a soil refresher.  Farmers in Asia would plant soy alternating years to replenish the soil.  At first they never ate it just plowed it under before planting the next years crop of rice.
Most soy is GMO .. Genetically Modified (this is a whole other topic but just take it from me right now ... avoid GMO foods, I talk more about that later)
Soy is loaded with trypsin Inhibitors, trypsin is an enzyme that helps you digest protein.  So when you eat soy your body's ability to digest protein is inhibited.

Tomorrow ... more reasons to why you shouldn't eat soy.  Until then read the labels and eat up what you have so you can move towards a Soy Free Diet.

PS ... Fermented soy is ok in moderation. An example of that would be Soy Sauce.  Not Tofu...

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