Wednesday, October 11, 2006

God's Leading

It is a great day!

I have been considering ending my evening classes. The numbers have been dwindling. Most classes I have about two ladies. Now I am a full believer that numbers do not matter but I'm not so sure that the facilities in which I teach believe that. Last night I was praying on the way to my class that the Lord would confirm to me of what I should do. I truly thought that maybe it was time to teach only mornings. I made the decision that if no one attended this particular evening and then the rest of the week (which was a true possibility) I would, beginning in November, only teach five mornings a week. Well, at 6:02pm the room was set up for class and I waited alone. A feeling of relief came over me since I knew that God was in complete control. I walked over to open the doors to allow some air in so I could work on new routines, and much to my unbelief six ladies were walking towards the building. Now what is the possibility that all ladies would be late. I don't know! But what I do know I'm continuing my evening classes until God changes my mind.

What does this have to do with weight loss?

I guess it could be a nice story of how great and personal our God is!

And it is...

But more important is ...

He cares about every little aspect of our lives. He cares about you and the daily struggles that you go through.

With weight, exercise, body image ... the list goes on forever.

God is a personal God and wants to be your God. He wants you to know who much He loves you. That's right He loves you just the way you are.

Thank Him right now for being there with you at any time and caring about the smallest things in your life.

John 3:16

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