Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Sunday Morning

It is Easter Sunday morning and with the sun shining in my kitchen window the day holds an anticipation. Eating! Today is the annual day of the big buffet of chocolate! (In fact I first thought the movie, "Chocolat" was about Easter) I count today as a free day and I will eat everything and I will plan not to overeat. But I will see if my willpower will be the victor. I must admit that chocolate is my biggest temptation. I now can say chocolate is good for me since it contains so many antioxidants. Hey, I wonder, does the Easter bunny work for the FDA the rest of the year?

Enjoy today and eat everything in moderation. Tonight when you lie in bed think about how you feel especially if you overeat. Remember that feeling... Maybe the memory will help you not to be tempted to overeat the next time.

One more thing ... Jesus (the real reason for the day) died for you on Friday and rose today as the victor over sin, death and hell. You can too be the victor by placing your trust in him.

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